So Long, LONDON!

"A good travel has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving" - Lao Tzu
Photo: Faris Fakri
I had got a very good chance to have another wonderful experience in visiting London. I had prepared all things; money, winter coats, huge backpack, map, and another things. I had browsed all things. I imagined how my ear would suffer for eargasm of hearing Dubstep all over places. I made a very clever planning to spend times in visiting Oxford Street. It was my dream came true.
Visa interview confirmation

As one saying, Life is not always sweet, is true! It is true! I faced a big problem in handling Visa. Well, it's not that hard. I just need mooooooore time to manage it by myself. The travel agent had to postpone the flight for the second time. In fact, I would have flown to Heathrow this April. Damn it! I will have my mid term exam in that month. I had already got angry with this unprofessional travel agent, and I chose to resign.

 My parents never taught me to rely on everybody else. This value was like proving to me, not to depend on a travel agent. you have to handle your businesses by your own.

The last thing is I will see you soon, London! ASAP! My dreams are still alive inside and I'm not gonna give up. I'll try everything to make it true.

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