The Road of Famous

Malioboro Street, written in Javanese writing
It's always been a terrible feeling to write under a deadline. My ideas seemed to fly away from the fingers. But to fix it, I got my own secret. I would ride my motorcycle destination-less, but sometimes I chose Malioboro to visit. It's always been good chances to see how crowded it is, or to see the latest statues built along the road.
It was last year that I met a new friend from Russia. She came to Jogja to attend Hand Ball Championship. No longer after her arrival, she asked Rista (my partner in crime) and me to take her to Malioboro. She knew lot of things about this shopping road. And I was like, seriously? How could she know Malioboro? Is Malioboro that popular? Well, I knew the answer. My conclusion came to a widest library, the Internet.

The main road of Malioboro Street
Malioboro is like other famous, modern, and busy streets as a center of Economical activities in town. Oxford street, Champs-Elysée, or even Walk of Fame in LA. Malioboro has cinemas, cafes, restaurants, fashion stores, and many others.
When you first turn to Malioboro, you will see full of busy people walk and selling things. Everything here are cheap if only you are master in bargaining. Malioboro street also offers you arts originally from Indonesia and traditional Javanese sightseeing. You might find unique statues, paints, music, or even dances. No worry for those who forget changing money into rupiahs. Here, there are doze of money changers. 
When you have to buy souvenirs, it's just your best place! There are thousand of unexpected things you might find in this street. And also Backpackers love to stay in the guest houses near the street. And thing you have to try if you here is the Lesehan. I don't know if there's any special term in English for it. It's an eatery with no chairs, but plastic carpets. Don't expect for spoon and fork, you will be served a bowl of water to wash your hand. and please eat by your fingers. (Well, now it depends on what you order. They will give you spoon and FORK for a bowl of soup). When it comes to a Holiday season or Summer time, you can barely walk along this street. It's just human everywhere. Well, try to come not in a holiday if you really want to enjoy it. 

Photo Courtesy from Indonesia Tempo Dulu
Have you ever imagined how was Malioboro around 1920's? Of course, you will find thousand of differences.
According to a source, back to 1916 Malioboro was a Chinatown. This area started to be crowded after Sultan Hamengkubuono IX established a market which now is Beringharjo. This was the only area that free from the invasion of the colony. Malioboro was not that busy, but some stores were established which soon became the pioneer of other stores in the neighborhood.
The pedestrian was not that crazy. You could freely walk, while now all the sidewalks turn to be parking lots, lesehan, and spaces for the street vendors.
It also seemed Malioboro back then was a spacious street to be a center of business.

One thing I love to know did not change is the horsecart was the public transportation. If you take a walk in Malioboro, you would see hundreds of horsecart waiting to be rode.
Take a look at the building with APOTHEEK.  Photo Courtesy from Indonesia Tempo Dulu
The same drug store

DPRD Yogyakarta | A sidewalk turns to be parking lot.

Horsecarts for those who want to enjoy the street

In the end of the road, a big Monument is located. Monument Serangan 1 Maret 1949
Bank of Indonesia
Another FYI, according to my personal informant, Malioboro means road of flower. 

Enjoy the day in Malioboro!

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